Monday, September 29, 2008

Teach Less for More

Our Kidz Team is constantly trying to find new ways to help your kids live for Christ. Beginning this week we are fine tuning our Sunday morning experience a little bit. We are going to teach less. That's right we are going to teach less.

Here's what we are going to do. On Sunday mornings, no matter what hour your child attends, we are going to have one Bible story, one memory verse for the month and one main point for your child to learn. Instead of having two different curriculums between the hours, we are going to only teach one truth out of the Bible. Each hour (9:15 & 10:45) will have completely different learning activities so that your kids aren't getting lost in repetition.

Why are we doing this? Because weekends matter! We only have so many weekends to help influence your child to live for Christ and we don't want to take any chances of missing an opportunity. See you Sunday!