Hey parents, just wanted to let you know this past Sunday was a huge hit. Gordo and friends always leave a big impression on our kids. Thanks for making sure your kids didn't miss out on this great event.
Special thanks to our volunteers that stayed all morning to make sure the kids had a special day. Parents I want you to know that our Kidz Team is second to none. They are as good as it gets. So make sure sometime when you are picking up your child you tell them thank you and maybe even share a something your child has come home and told you from a Sunday.
By the way, check out the slideshow to the left. We are working on becoming more Tech Savy around here. But I am the weak link. I am hoping to have a video online next week that will preview next months virtue.
On Thursday, I am going to be posting some information about some changes that are going to happen in October. Check back on Thursday to get the new scoop and why we are making these changes.
Thanks for allowing us to partner with your family in helping your kids live for Christ!