Monday, April 5, 2010

Skittles 2010 is here!

The next three Sundays (April 11, 18, 25) we will play Skittles. Here are the rules. The grade with the most Skittles in their jug will win a Skittles Pizza Party on Sunday morning May 2. Kids can earn Skittles for their grade by:

Showing up = 5 Skittles
Bringing their Bible = 5 Skittles
Bringing a friend = 10 Skittles
Perfect Attendance for all 3 Sundays = 15 Skittles

Grand Prize
This year we have added a little twist. If we have 265 in attendance on one of the Sundays Pastor Rich will paint his hair the color of a Skittle. Bringing your friends and his hair change colors!