Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Beginning Wednesday December 5, 12, 19 the country of Moldova is about to come alive. Moldova is located in the former Soviet Union and had been locked away from the Gospel of Jesus. But in the last few years God opened the doors and the people in this distant land are beginning to hear the good news of Jesus.

During each of these Wednesday nights kids will experience their culture by eating foods, making crafts and playing games from Moldova. They will also hear the stories of present day missionaries and how God is moving people to follow Jesus.

A few weeks ago, I had the priveledge of attending the commissioning service for 82 Southern Baptist Missionaries. God reminded me that our kids need to know that there are men and women working right now telling other people that Jesus loves them. Don't let your kids miss one week of THE MOLDOVA EXPERIENCE!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

From my family to yours we want to wish you a happy Thanksgiving. There are so many things for us to be thankful for. I think one of the best things about being your Children's Pastor is that I get to so many happy faces on Sunday morning. Each child comes on Sunday and is filled with so much potential. Sometimes I find myself like a kid in the candy store thinking of ways to help pull that potential out of your kids. We have so much potential packed into our rooms on Sundays to leave a major spiritual mark on the coming culture.

One thing I am more sure of today than I was 18 months ago is that kids need a great Sunday experience, but what they need even more than that is for spiritual conversations to take place at home. Take time to talk with your child each week about Jesus or to read Bible stories together. That will leave the biggest spiritual mark on your kids as the grow up.

Thanks for letting me and our team (which is the finest I know of) partner with your family. I can't wait to hear the stories in 20 years of everything your child has accomplished for Jesus.

Kidz Living For Christ!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Moldova Experience Coming in December

Here's What's Up in THE NEIGHBORHOOD:

The Kids Christmas Production is coming fast. There will be a dress rehearsal on Saturday, December 1 at 9 am. The Production is Sunday night at 6:30 pm. Stay tuned for more details as the day approaches.

On Wednesday night, December 5 we will have the Moldova Experience. Every year we look at a foreign country and discover their customs, the people, and to see what God is doing in that country. This will take place on December 5, 12, and 19. Don't let your child miss one evening.

Family Christmas Caroling is scheduled for Sunday evening December 16 at 6:30. Make this apart of your family schedule this year. This is one way your family can share God's love this Christmas. More information to come!

Remember you are UNIQUE. Talk to your children about how God has created them very special to do very special things for Jesus.

Coming on www.leavethemark.blogspot.com in the next few days will be one way that your family can spiritual anticipate the coming of Christmas. Thanks for partnering with us so that your child will live for Christ!

Monday, November 5, 2007

You are a Piece of Work!

Atleast that is what God says. He created a you a special one of a kind person. You are UNIQUE. We are going to be talking about UNIQUENESS throughout the month of November. UNIQUENESS is learning more about others so that you can learn more about yourself. We are going to be helping boys and girls learn that God created them special and because of that He loves us so much that He won't ever forget about them. WOW!!! We have 6 FAMILYTIMES Devotionals left. FAMILYTIMES is a monthly tool to help your family integrate the Bible stories we talk about on Sundays into your home on Monday-Saturday. They are $8 and can be purchased at the registration table. They will not be here long so please get yours soon.

Some things to remember:
This Sunday, November 11 is the day to bring your shoeboxes. Please return them to the table in the upstairs hallway. Also, the Kidz Christmas Production is on December 2 their will be an important practice on Saturday, December 1. Please make sure to be there.

I know these are busy days for your family. Please make sure to have conversations in your home about God. Please check out http://www.leavethemark.blogspot.com/ for help this holiday season to make the holidays a spiritual journey for your family.

Please take a moment and complete the poll at the top left of the site. Your answer cannot be tracked backed to you in anyway so please be honest. Thanks for your help.