Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Word About Grief

I know these are difficult times in our lives. Very unexpected and painful. I want to give you a few things to remember when talking with your children through this at home.

1. Allow your children to acknowledge the crisis. But the first step in helping a child work through the grieving process is to encourage them to admit there's a reason for grieving.

2. Give them opportunity to respond to how they feel about the change. Kids are very creative in finding ways to express pain and grief. Encourage them to use arts, poetry and music in particular.

3. Don't underestimate your kids' spiritual depth. If you've ever wondered about what your children think about God or faith in Christ, you'll probably find out in the wake of a crisis or trauma.

4. Help find answers. If you don't have the answers to their questions, find someone who does. Be the grown up and get the information.

5. Give your kids something tangible to hold on to. Find a symbol (i.e. an anchor or cross) to give your child as a reminder that we a Friend like no other who will never leave us in times of trouble.

These are things to remember. If you need me to pray with your child I would love to do that. One of the best times will be on Wednesday nights. You can email me at

I know it hurts but together we will walk through the pain!