Who’s the Boss?
Bottom Line: You respect God when you show respect for people in charge
Ask anyone from an older generation, and they’re likely to say that this generation has lost a sense of respect for authority. Is the respect we should have determined by culture, or is it a timeless principle God has defined for us? Boiled down, respect means showing others they are important by what you say and do. Like any other virtue, God created respect and models it for us. In more ways than we can name, God continuously shows us how important we are to Him even when we’ve done nothing to deserve it. This week’s lesson pointed out how God has placed leaders for our good and that there are benefits and consequences of the respect we have for those over us.
At home activities to reinforce our “Who’s the Boss” lesson…
Top Ten- While in the car, or enjoying an evening on the deck, or around the dinner table; come up with a Top Ten list of specific people that God has place in your child’s life that he/she should respect. Talk about specific ways they can show that person respect over the next week.
Chain Reaction- Open ended conversation prompts to help your child understand that they benefit from showing respect for a leader… It can start a chain reaction of respect. Ask them, how might you benefit when you show respect to a parent? (more privileges, better environment because the parents are happier, better relationship with parents) A babysitter? (say nice things about you to your parents. You may get to choose what to do during your time together.) A coach? (Get more playing time, get to lead the team, the coach says nice things about you to your parent)
Interview a Leader- Read Luke 6:31 first. Ask your child these questions before they begin their interview of someone else: Are you a leader? Are you in charge of anything at home, school, or somewhere else? Do other kids ever want to do what you’re doing? If so, you may already be a leader. But even if you don’t think you’re a leader yet, you want to be some day, right? God wants you to treat your leaders like you’d want to be treated.
So, how do you want to be treated as a leader? Interview someone in charge, like a parent or teacher, to get some ideas. Take notes and listen closely to their advice on what makes them a good leader. Here are some questions you could ask as you are interviewing: What do you want people to learn from you as a leader? How did you learn to lead the way you do? What are the three most important ways you want people to treat you as a leader?
Sweet and Simple- For a bedtime devotional, read last Sunday’s Bible story together. Romans 13:1-7
Because God treats us with respect, He wants us to live respectfully, and that involves showing respect for the people in charge. When we do, it can start a chain reaction of respect. Even better, it spotlights our respect for God