I can't wait until Sunday!!!!! I have been out of town in smoldering hot Texas for a week (I did get some great Mexican Food though!!!!) and can't wait to be back with all the kids and Kidz Team members this week. It seems like it has been forever after preaching the two previous Sundays, I can't wait to see big smiles on Sunday.
I want to thank all Kidz Team members for your work over the past month. It has been fast and furious with Vacation Bible School, covering vacations weeks for volunteers and be not being right there. I just love our team. Every week you prepare and BRING YOUR BEST so that kids can learn about the amazing love of Jesus.
I want to give a special thanks to Cindy Vargo for being my lead person for those three Sundays. I know it takes everyone to make Sunday happen and we can't do it without everyone, but someone has to be the point person. Cindy, you always shy away from credit but these weeks have been crazy with new leaders observing, many leaders on vacation, substitute teachers filling in, new kindergarteners coming for a visit and leading HIGH ENERGY for the kids. I am grateful to your leadership and parents we are fortunate to have Cindy and Steve Vargo working with your kids. Thanks.
Thanks to all team members, you are awesome!!!!!!