Monday, August 25, 2008

THE NEIGHBORHOOD is the Place to Be

On Sundays THE NEIGHBORHOOD is the place to be. Yesterday we had 245 in attendance. I saw kids singing, laughing, listening and having a great time. We only have 52 Sundays a year to help you develop your child spiritually to stand firm in a crazy world. As a Kidz Team we don't take our job lightly. Please make every effort to be in attendance on Sundays. Our Team stands ready to help your child discover God.

If you are interested in joining the Kidz Team please let me know at The Kidz Team is made up of people like you who want more than anything to see kidz live for Christ. We are not group of tired people who dread our jobs. We look forward to Sundays because you just never know when you will see God in action. If you want to be apart of team that works for something bigger and longer lasting than anyone of our life spans, come join us.

See YOU Sunday!

Wednesday Nights This Fall

Wednesday nights are all about children memorizing Bible verses, learning to use their Bibles and discover how the Christian faith is not only head knowledge but how people are involved in serving God. We start at 7 PM in THE NEIGHBORHOOD.

The first Wednesday night of every month is KidzStuff. A funny, Bible based evening designed for the entire family. Many times as adults we bring our kids into our world to experience God. But KidzStuff is the place that kids bring parents to learn about God. September 3 will be our first KidzStuff for the fall. We begin at 7 PM. You won't want to miss Gordo, Tyler & Vinny. You just never know what might happen in the clubhouse.

Next Faith Club

The next Faith Club will be on Sunday mornings, September 7, 14, 28 at 10:45. Please sign up at the Kidz Registration Table. Your child will need to attend all three weeks to complete the class.

Faith Club is the New Christians Class for Kids. If your child has put their faith in Christ or is asking questions this is the place for them. If you have more questions please contact the Children's Ministry office at 667-8221 or by email

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

All Star Sunday

This Sunday is ALL STAR SUNDAY. Be an ALL STAR and bring a friend.

I am looking for THE NEIGHBORHOOD to be packed with kids this Sunday. Let's bring our friends and we will stuff in together.

I can't wait to see you this Sunday!

Remember tonight (Wednesday, August 20) begins our Kidz @ Night. Here is the schedule:

Kidz Jam (Kidz Choir) 6 PM in room 250
Kidz @ Night 7-8:15 PM in THE NEIGHBORHOOD (Children's Area)

There are classes for adults going on during this time. You can log onto the church website to find out more information.

And the winner is......

The favorite soup of THE NEIGHBORHOOD is..........................................................

Cambell's Chicken Noodle.

Was there ever any doubt? Thanks for bringing the cans of soup. They will go to benefit the Maryville Food Pantry. Thanks for getting us started right.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sunday's Comin'

I can't wait for Sunday! Is it here yet? New Grades, New Rooms, New Decor, New Teachers and New Children.

TWO more day or three more bed times. Don't miss out this week!

See you on Sunday with your favorite Soup.

AUGUST 24 is ALL STAR SUNDAY. Be an All Star and Bring a Friend.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Faith Club Saturday, August 23

There will be a Faith Club held on Saturday, August 23 from 9:00 - 11:30 AM in THE NEIGHBORHOOD Children's Ministry area on the second floor. Please sign up by emailing

Faith Club is the new christians class for kids. This class will help kids understand what it means to be a Christian, importance of baptism and how God designed the church to function.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I want to welcome many new Kindergarteners to THE NEIGHBORHOOD. It is my pleasure to see your big smiles on Sunday and Wednesday nights. This Sunday is promotion Sunday and all kids will move to their new grades. We will have new room assignments for many grades this Sunday so please make sure and watch the signs on the walls or catch a leader in the hall for directions.

This new year is going to be the best yet for THE NEIGHBORHOOD Children's Ministry. I am excited about reaching more kids for Jesus in 2008-2009 and seeing boys and girls live for Jesus.

For new families I want you to know that our vision is to SEE KIDZ LIVE FOR CHRIST! We don't just want smart kids, we want kids to live each day with God's principles in mind.

See you Sunday! Kidz Living 4 Christ

I Can't Wait

I can't wait until Sunday!!!!! I have been out of town in smoldering hot Texas for a week (I did get some great Mexican Food though!!!!) and can't wait to be back with all the kids and Kidz Team members this week. It seems like it has been forever after preaching the two previous Sundays, I can't wait to see big smiles on Sunday.

I want to thank all Kidz Team members for your work over the past month. It has been fast and furious with Vacation Bible School, covering vacations weeks for volunteers and be not being right there. I just love our team. Every week you prepare and BRING YOUR BEST so that kids can learn about the amazing love of Jesus.

I want to give a special thanks to Cindy Vargo for being my lead person for those three Sundays. I know it takes everyone to make Sunday happen and we can't do it without everyone, but someone has to be the point person. Cindy, you always shy away from credit but these weeks have been crazy with new leaders observing, many leaders on vacation, substitute teachers filling in, new kindergarteners coming for a visit and leading HIGH ENERGY for the kids. I am grateful to your leadership and parents we are fortunate to have Cindy and Steve Vargo working with your kids. Thanks.

Thanks to all team members, you are awesome!!!!!!