There is a new film that will be released this weekend called The Golden Compass. Many times I don't speak directly about a film or other media points but I do feel a responsibility to share with you, parents, my thoughts concerning this new film. I am also going to post parts of two other articles I found concerning this movie. So please read the following two posts after this one.
My Thoughts:There are times when Hollywood or other media outlets will attempt (and unfortunately very successfully) to desensitize Christians through shows, movies, music, games and even cartoons to God's truth and moral standards for Christ followers. Many times this is done through the back door and we don't see it coming.
However, this is not the case with this movie. I did some research through Chrisitan and secular mediums and through official sites of this movie and found that there is clear attack upon the belief of God and the role and purpose of His church. The movie is based off of Phillip Pullman's books titled His Dark Materials. A direct quote from Pullman concerning his writings was "my books are about killing God."
Where are the dangers? There will be a time in your children's life where they question the existence of God. Most people ask that question. Proponents of the movie will say "what are you worried about." Well, as a Christian parent I don't want to be the one to introduce my child to questioning the existence of God. I want to build them up in the truth of God. In time as they get older and ask those quesitons I believe what was taught at home will be the very thing that will help point them to the reality of God. The movie also speaks strongly to evolution, witches supporting evil as actually being good and the role of the church is falsly portrayed.
You may say that is alot for a kids movie. The use of symbols is strong, yet undeniable. By watching the previews you may say it looks alot like C.S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia and those were good movies for Christian children. Again the author of the book, Pullman, represents the polar opposite of Lewis. Pullman has repeatedly—and with apparent glee—lashed out at both Lewis and the faith he represents. "I hate the Narnia books, and I hate them with a deep and bitter passion."
Please take caution concerning this movie. But don't run and hide. When your kids ask about the movie take time to explain to them why this is not a good choice in movies. Talk to them at their age level. And don't say its just not for kids and then go see it with your spouse. Kids are smart and what they will learn is not to only allow Godliness into our lives, but that God's standards change when you get older. But's that another story. Please take time to read the two following posts that provide more detail.
Posted by Rich Cochran at 1:33 PM