Saturday, October 31, 2009

KidzStuff LIVE is Wednesday, November 4 at 7 PM

Wednesday, November 4 at 7 PM
Come see the KidzStuff Gang and learn more about this months virtue.

Special Mosquito Announcement Tomorrow

After church tomorrow ask your kids about mosquitos.  We will have a special mosquito announcement in THE NEIGHBORHOOD tomorrow.  Also, don't forget about the Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes.  They are out and due back in the next few weeks.  Let's hands on make a difference!


You can get an extra hour of sleep tonight.  Don't forget to change your clocks.  It's fall so your clocks will also fall backwards.  See you in the morning!

New Virtue Tomorrow

Our virtue for November is Cooperation. Cooperation means working together to do more than you can do alone. Well it is about 11 AM on Saturday and I am guessing you are wishing your children would cooperate with you to get some cleaning done around the house. How about that for a very relevant virtue for the month. Also, for the next two month we are going to be talking about broadcasting the love of God by using our virtues for November and December.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Next Faith Club

The next Faith Club will be on October 31 from 9 - 12.  Faith Club is the new christian class for kids.  To sign up please email

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Don't forget KidzStuff LIVE at 7 PM tomorrow night.  This is a date change.  Don't miss out out a new virtue and the Clubhouse gang!

Faith Club Right NOW!

We just began a new Faith Club.  Your child can still attend, but please email me to let me know they will be there this Sunday.  Faith Club meets at 10:55 in the children's area.  Email address is

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

KidzStuff LIVE Date Change

Wednesday Night September 30
at 7 PM!

This is one of the most important places you will go during the next 30 days.  KIDZSTUFF LIVE just as much about parents as it is kids.  As the church partners with you in developing your child's relationship with God, it is important for you to know what your child is talking about at church.  October's virtue is......  I'm not quite ready to tell you that infomation.  But it is one of those things your child needs know.  And if your child can learn this virtue, they can better understand why God put them here!

PLEASE NOTE this is a date change.  Usually we do this the first Wednesday of the month.  But this month is on September 30.  Mark your calendar.  Protect the time.  Don't miss out on the fun and Bible teaching for your family that will spill into the month of October at your house!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Gordo is a ROCK STAR!!!!

GORDO JOEL!  Our favorite Gordo learned alot about being a famous musician from Phil Joel a month ago.  Thanks to all the adults that made today possible.  See you next Sunday!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Don't forget to check out a new site for parents!

Orange Parent is site just you-- mom and dad!  We know life spins fast so we want to help you with the most meaningful conversations you will have this week.  Talking with your kids about God.  The website is and is updated weekly. 

We know your kids are special to you and in 100 years the only thing that will matter is our relationship with God.  So if we both work together to shape your child's relationship with God then impact will be greater.  Two combined influences have a greater impact then just two influences!

Check out each week!

Scene From the last Gordopalooza

Only 5 more days til Gordopalooza 3! This is a scene from last years event. It is really hard to describe this one day zany event, but as you can see in the picture you just never know who will show up at Gordopalooza. Beginning at 9:30 - 12 your kids won't be disappointed and neither will their friends. Don't miss this Sunday! It is going to be great.
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Monday, September 14, 2009

Next Faith Club

The next Faith Club will be Sundays, September 27, October 4 & 11 at 10:55. Faith Club is the new chrisitans class for kids. If you have questions about this class or would like to sign up please email me at

Gordopalooza 3

This Sunday, September 20, is Gordopalooza 3! All Gordo, all morning. Beginning at 9:30 through 12:00 the zany characters of the KidzStuff clubhouse will be helping us discover the value of using WISDOM in our choices. Gordo has been preparing for this concert. You just never know what Gordo is up to. Through high energy and multimedia we will show the love of God to boys and girls.

Bring a friend to join you this Sunday. Lots of fun for all! See you Sunday.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

We're BACK!!!!

It's time to get back in the swing of many things.  Getting up, going to school, homework & brushing your teeth!  No, I mean I hope you have been brushing your teeth all a along.  It's also time to keep this information site going with updated information.  Makes sense, huh! 

A couple of things I am excited about and will have more information this week.  The biggest though is a new site called ORANGE PARENTS.  If you didn't get a chance to hear Reggie Joiner preach on August 16 you got to go back and listen on the church website ( .  And if you did hear him you may want to go back a relisten to his thoughts on family. 

There can be a new day for the family in America!  But it will not happen by accident.  Coming September 1st will be a site to help you (parents) and our church to go ORANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Do You Feel the Luuuv?

How does that Beatles' song go? "All you need is love ..." When you think about it, just about everything we do with or for others boils down to love. Which, of course, doesn't come as a surprise to God-followers, the Creator of love. He IS love, after all (1 John 4:16), and the reason we can love at all: because He loved us first (1 John 4:19).

Jesus said THE most important commandment is to love God and to love Him with all we've got. When we do that, we'll love others--the second most important commandment. The second most important, yes, but so closely aligned with the first that it's impossible to split the two.

John put it this way: "If anyone says, 'I love God,' yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen ... Whoever loves God must also love his brother" (1 John 4:20-21, NIV). And so on that one "peg" (love God/love others) hang ALL the commandments--the 10 Commandments, the Mosaic Law, and the 600 or so laws the Pharisees added to it.

So this month we have focused on love, which is choosing to give someone your time and friendship no matter what. The first week we began with the time the Pharisees got their heads together in an attempt to trick Jesus and His reply (which also happens to be our memory verse for the month, Matthew 22:37-39). When you love God, you'll love others. The second week of August we talked about what takes "first place" and the fact that when you love others, you give them your time, as Jesus pointed out when He visited Mary and Martha (Luke 10).
This past week revolved around Jesus' parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15): When you love others, you're quick to forgive.

THIS SUNDAY we'll focus on what Jesus told Peter after His resurrection (John 21). When you love Jesus, you'll treat others the way He does.

Next Sunday we'll depart from the norm and examine a "faith skill," the faith skill of prayer (dialoguing with God, both public and private). Jesus modeled all kinds of principles about prayer for us. But ultimately, He showed us that talking to God changes things.

Just thought you might want to know what your children are learning so that you can talk with them about LOVE at home.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

VBS is almost here!

Beginning Sunday at 6:30 PM we will begin our Vacation Bible School. This year we are taking a train ride through the Australian outback. Make sure you bring a friend to experience the fun that is VBS. Music, crafts, snacks, games and Bible study will make for great week!!

Check back because on Thursday, July 15 we will have some helpful hints for parents posted.

See you Sunday!!!!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009

Kidz Camp day one began with a bang! Literally. This week we are talking about Living Out Loud. We want to take in the word of God and then live it out.
The rain stopped as we pulled into the parking lot here at Lake Williamson. We swam, blobbed, water slide and ate 2 great meals.
Andy began our camp song the kids are helping to write titled Got to Live it Louder. Check back hopefully for pictures and video each day. Still working through the technical difficulties.
Talk with you tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Kidz Lock-In

The Kidz Lock-In is scheduled for Friday Night March 27 from 6-10. We will play games, eat pizza, run the inflatible and watch a movie. Your child needs to sign up by next Wednesday evening if they plan to attend. This way we can prepare for the kids that will be attending. You can sign up at the Kids Registration desk or by sending an email to

We also need your help volunteering. If you are available let me know by email at

See you Sunday!

Kidz EASTER SERIES Begins Sunday AM

This Sunday we begin our journey to Easter. The next four weeks we will be talking about the hope and conviction we have by following Jesus! Our series theme is HAPPY DAY. I know that is a hard thing to think about during these times in the life of our church. But we want our kids to know that when Jesus rose from the grave it has given people hope that during bad times something good can come out of it. Jesus wiped our sins away! So we will celebrate that HAPPY DAY.

See you Sunday!

Kidz Camp is Coming

You can sign up for Kidz Camp 2009 by filling out a green event envelop and putting your deposit inside. Return that envelope to the mail box in the main children's ministry hall.

Remember space is limited so sign up soon!

Kidz Camp dates are June 8-12

If you would like to volunteer please fill out a volunteer application that is located upstairs in the children's main hall.

A Word About Grief

I know these are difficult times in our lives. Very unexpected and painful. I want to give you a few things to remember when talking with your children through this at home.

1. Allow your children to acknowledge the crisis. But the first step in helping a child work through the grieving process is to encourage them to admit there's a reason for grieving.

2. Give them opportunity to respond to how they feel about the change. Kids are very creative in finding ways to express pain and grief. Encourage them to use arts, poetry and music in particular.

3. Don't underestimate your kids' spiritual depth. If you've ever wondered about what your children think about God or faith in Christ, you'll probably find out in the wake of a crisis or trauma.

4. Help find answers. If you don't have the answers to their questions, find someone who does. Be the grown up and get the information.

5. Give your kids something tangible to hold on to. Find a symbol (i.e. an anchor or cross) to give your child as a reminder that we a Friend like no other who will never leave us in times of trouble.

These are things to remember. If you need me to pray with your child I would love to do that. One of the best times will be on Wednesday nights. You can email me at

I know it hurts but together we will walk through the pain!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

LOL Kidz Camp 2009

June 8-12, Lake Williamson in Carlinville, IL

This year's Kidz Camp is going to be over the top fun for your child. Our theme this year is LOL-- Live Out Loud. We are going to be teaching about when we live with compassion the noise of our life points people to Jesus. Oh yeah, and there is going to be the water slide, blob, zip line, slip n slide, snow cones, popcorn, great food, new music, friends, messy games, fishing, crafts, games and more.

Kidz Camp is for children that have completed 1st Grade.

Cost for camp is $240 before May 10. After May 10 the cost will be $265. Fill out a bright green envelope and place a $75 deposit inside to sign up. Space is limited so sign up soon!

Green envelopes & fliers can be found upstairs beginning Sunday, February 15.


On Sunday February 8 & 15 all children that bring a friend that does not attend FBCM will recieve a coupon for a free smoothie from the church cafe. The friend will also recieve the same coupon. If your child brings multiple friends they will recieve a coupon for each friend they bring. There will be a friend check in station upstairs to greet all guests and pass out Friendalicious coupons.

Bringing a friend to church never tasted so good!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


The next Faith Club will be Sundays, March 1, 8 & 15 at 10:55. Faith Club is the new chrisitans class for kids. If you have questions about this class or would like to sign up please email me at

KidzStuff This Wednesday Night Feb. 4

It's time again for our monthly KidzStuff. KidzStuff is where kids bring parents to learn about God. One of the biggest values of parents attending KidzStuff with their children is that moms and dads learn what we are teaching at church all month long. It's one way that our partnership in spiriutally helping your child is strengthened.

And it's a whole lot of fun too. This month we have a big problem in the clubhouse. See you WEdnesday as we continue teaching the real meaning of "that's not fair."

Let's Go To the Fair!

Notes from the Editor
Fair Grounds"That's no fair!" Who among us has never put his hands on his hips and cried those words? Most of us have built-in fairness radar--at least when it comes to how we're treated. But of course fairness is a two-way street. More on that in a minute. Let's get something else out of the way first: the words SAME and EQUAL. Sometimes SAME = EQUAL. Sometimes it does not--which is how we're approaching the virtue of fairness. Think about it this way: fairness is NOT about treating people THE SAME. Because God created us in His image (Genesis 1:27), we are alike in some ways, but different in others. Apart from obvious physical differences, we have different personalities, skills and talents, likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. Because we're different, we have different NEEDS. And because we have different needs, we don't all necessarily need to be treated the same. (Example: I bet you and your siblings are not all the same. You are different in some ways. Which means your parents needed to do some things differently for each of you in order to parent you in the way you needed. Right?) So, fairness is not about treating people the same. Instead, fairness IS about treating people EQUALLY. Because God created us, He loves each of us--dearly and without favoritism. So much so that He sent His one and only Son to die for us (John 3:16), regardless of our sex, age, race, ethnicity, or nationality. As Peter said, "I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right" (Acts 10:34-35, NIV). Thank goodness God is fair! Back to that two-way street thing: As dearly loved children of God, He wants us to be imitators of Him (Ephesians 5:1). "As believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don't show favoritism" (James 2:1, NIV). In other words, don't unfairly favor one person OR unfairly "disfavor" another. So this month, we'll be going to the "Fair Grounds," where everyone is treated with respect.
Week 1: Treat everyone fairly because everyone's important to God.(The principle of fairness, James 2)
Week 2: Treat everyone fairly--even those who are different.(The parable of the good Samaritan, Luke 10)
Week 3: Treat everyone fairly--even your enemies.(Saul and Ananias, Acts 9)
Week 4: Show God's love to everyone because He wants everyone to know Him.(Jesus' last orders to the disciples, Matthew 28; Acts 1)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

KidzStuff This Week

This Wednesday night is KidzStuff at 7 PM. Parents join your kids this Wednesday night as we introduce the virtue of Resourcefullness: Using what you have to get the job done.

Gordo, Cammie & Tyler will be here to help us learn about resourcefullness-- and believe me you don't want to miss what the gang is up to this week!

Have a great week.

It's HERE 2009!!!!!

This Sunday is our day to mix everything up throughout the church. Our new worship & Bible study times are 8:15, 9:30 & 10:55. We will have preschool & children Bible studies at 8:15.

Also a new session of Faith Club begins this Sunday at 10:55. Kevin & Lora Whitworth will be leading our new Christians class for kids and will help prepare those children who have made a commitment to Christ for their journey through baptism. You can email me if you would like to sign up your child for this class.

Make every Sunday a part of your new year!