Well the first day of VBS was full of energy. Make sure and bring a friend with you this week. Here's the challenge: If we have 500 different kids come to VBS then you get to turn me and 2 of my closest friends into SUNDAEs. That's right chocolate, marshmellows, caramel etc....
As we begin taking our missions offering, boys and girls will be giving to provide Bible to children in Zambia, Africa. A missions team will be delivering those Bibles in two weeks to those kids who don't have Bibles. We will also be collecting money to help provide children in Madison County that need back to school supplies. It is important for kids to know it is a big world out there and we can help boys & girls learn about God by helping meet their needs.
Don't forget: Friday night is Family Night. The muscial starts promptly at 6:55 and will culuminate in the parking lot with Ice Cream & Inflatible Jumpers for the kids. Don't miss you child performing the VBS Musical on the big stage with over 250 other children. It is quite a site. Don't miss it!
Engaging Kids...Empowering Parents... Two Combined Influences Make a Greater IMPACT
Monday, July 21, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Parent Helpful Hints for VBS!!!!!
Vacation Bible School
First Baptist Church Baptist Church
July 20-25 from 6:30 – 9 pm
Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to bring your child to an exciting week of VBS. Living God’s Unshakeable Truth!
· Helpful VBS Hints ·
· Nightly registration will begin at 6:15 pm
· All children attending VBS must wear the “Official Outrigger Passport” with a security number that is assigned to each family. Your child will be given a Passport on the first night and they are to wear it each night they attend. Children will receive marks on their Passport for attendance and bringing friends. Be sure to wear your Passport on Friday Family Night and redeem it for a cool prize.
· Helpful Hint – Once your child leaves VBS hang their Passport on your rear view mirror that way it will be ready for the next day.
· Once your child has their Passport, it is not necessary for you to stop at the
table again unless you bring guests or you lose your Passport. If you lose your Passport, we will not be able to replace your marks.
· All children must be escorted by their parents to the main auditorium and you will pick them up at 9 pm in the same location. Children (ages 4 & Pre K) will need to first check in at the Preschool table first before going to the auditorium and picked up is in the Preschool Department. For your child’s safety we cannot allow them to be drop off at the door.
· When picking up you will be asked to say the security number that is assigned to your child. If someone else is coming in your place, please provide them with the security number.
· If you have any questions regarding picking up or dropping off, please visit the Registration Table in the main foyer
· When you bring a friend be sure to have your Pass Port punched by the staff at the Registration table in the lobby. Please wear shoes that are appropriate for outdoor activities.
First Baptist Church Baptist Church
July 20-25 from 6:30 – 9 pm
Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to bring your child to an exciting week of VBS. Living God’s Unshakeable Truth!
· Helpful VBS Hints ·
· Nightly registration will begin at 6:15 pm
· All children attending VBS must wear the “Official Outrigger Passport” with a security number that is assigned to each family. Your child will be given a Passport on the first night and they are to wear it each night they attend. Children will receive marks on their Passport for attendance and bringing friends. Be sure to wear your Passport on Friday Family Night and redeem it for a cool prize.
· Helpful Hint – Once your child leaves VBS hang their Passport on your rear view mirror that way it will be ready for the next day.
· Once your child has their Passport, it is not necessary for you to stop at the
table again unless you bring guests or you lose your Passport. If you lose your Passport, we will not be able to replace your marks.
· All children must be escorted by their parents to the main auditorium and you will pick them up at 9 pm in the same location. Children (ages 4 & Pre K) will need to first check in at the Preschool table first before going to the auditorium and picked up is in the Preschool Department. For your child’s safety we cannot allow them to be drop off at the door.
· When picking up you will be asked to say the security number that is assigned to your child. If someone else is coming in your place, please provide them with the security number.
· If you have any questions regarding picking up or dropping off, please visit the Registration Table in the main foyer
· When you bring a friend be sure to have your Pass Port punched by the staff at the Registration table in the lobby. Please wear shoes that are appropriate for outdoor activities.
How Many Kids Can Fit on THE ISLAND?
How many kids can fit on THE ISLAND? Only 3 more days till Vacation Bible School. Let's get the word out this week so that all kids will get to experience the high energy fun and excitement. Remember there will be a special gift for the child that brings the most friends. So help your child get a head start by bringing a friend the very first day!!!!
T-Shirts & CD's will be available for sale on Sunday morning on the second floor. Also, families that have pre-registered can pick up their Passports on the second floor as well.
The Island is just about prepared let's see how many kids we can put on the Island!!!!
T-Shirts & CD's will be available for sale on Sunday morning on the second floor. Also, families that have pre-registered can pick up their Passports on the second floor as well.
The Island is just about prepared let's see how many kids we can put on the Island!!!!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Pre Register NOW for VBS

Pre Register this week for Vacation Bible School. Just fill out a blue form and turn it in upstairs in the Children's Ministry area. We are moving fast and this year is going to be great. We already have 193 registered for VBS. Get signed up this week.
Also, you can purchase this year's VBS T-Shirt on Sunday. The shirts are $6 and can be purchased on the second floor near the Chilren's Ministry area. The VBS music CD's are also available for $3. Get your VBS gear and get ready for your Outrigger Island!
See you Sunday!!!!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy 4th of July
Happy Birthday America! I want to wish a happy 4th of July to your family. Make sure and pray for our nations leaders and military. Also take time to thank God for the many blessings that come with our freedom.
Have a good July 4th and enjoy the fireworks. See you on Sunday!
Have a good July 4th and enjoy the fireworks. See you on Sunday!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Pass Out!!!!!
Pass Out!!!! No not you. Pass out tickets and get the word out. Vacation Bible School is only 2 weeks away. We need to get the word out so that family, friends and neighbors don't miss Outrigger Island. The dates are July 20-25 and time is flying by. So pick up a stack of tickets and PASS OUT!
Can you believe it? Only two more weeks to Vacation Bible School. I am so excited and can barely wait. We are making final preparations. We're growing palm trees and building beach huts. VBS is one of the biggest events during the entire year for First Baptist Church.
Many people are making preparations and clearing their schedule to be here. Don't miss out. Don't let your kids miss out. Because if they are not here they will miss out on a complete blast. The music, drama, games, crafts, snacks, mission stories and Bible teaching.
VBS is filled with a bunch of fun and games, but I want you as a parent to value the fact that your child will encounter each day a Bible truth that will help build them into a spiritual champion.
Don't let other things get in the way of your schedule during this week. Mark it off. Bring your kids and while you are at it-- why don't you come join the fun as well!!!! We still have a place for you. Contact the Children's Ministry office at 667-8221 or richc@fbcmonline.com
Many people are making preparations and clearing their schedule to be here. Don't miss out. Don't let your kids miss out. Because if they are not here they will miss out on a complete blast. The music, drama, games, crafts, snacks, mission stories and Bible teaching.
VBS is filled with a bunch of fun and games, but I want you as a parent to value the fact that your child will encounter each day a Bible truth that will help build them into a spiritual champion.
Don't let other things get in the way of your schedule during this week. Mark it off. Bring your kids and while you are at it-- why don't you come join the fun as well!!!! We still have a place for you. Contact the Children's Ministry office at 667-8221 or richc@fbcmonline.com
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