Wednesday, June 18, 2008

July 20-25 is Vacation Bible School

Don't miss Vacation Bible School this year! We start on Sunday and end with a big musical production with drama, singing, lights and video. It is really cool to see and hear a 250+ kids choir sing and move.

There are still volunteer spaces available. Email Rich at for more information. VBS T-Shirts go on sale Sunday, July 6 and they will be $6. You can visit the registration table on the second floor beginning on July 6 to register your child(ren).

More info to come. The Island Awaits Us!

We're Back on the Blog

Hey everyone! Sorry for the delay on the blog, but it seems to be back and working again. Kidz Camp was an absolute blast. We are now less than one year away for Kidz Camp 2009 so mark your calendar now. The dates are June 8-12, 2009. It doesn't hurt to start planning early.

Vacation Bible School is only four weeks away. The dates are Sunday, July 20 - Friday, July 25. We are gearing up for the best VBS we have ever had. Make sure you invite a few friends to come with you. We'll set a goal and if you reach it you will make me (Pastor Rich) and a few of my closest friends into a Human Sundae. Yuck!!!!!!

See you on Sunday morning!