Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Here are the long awaited results for week 2 of the World Famous Game of SKITTLES:

Kindergarten 256
1st Grade 311
2nd Grade 214
3rd Grade 246
4th Grade 281
5th Grade 283

This is an incredibly close game. I don't think there is one grade out of contention. The friend points can add up quickly. So bring your friends this week. Also, Perfect Attendance points can add up fast.

See you on Sunday with all your friends!!!!!

Monday, April 21, 2008


Okay, here are the results for week 1 of our First Annual Game of Skittles.

Kindergarten= 133
1st Grade= 148
2nd Grade= 108
3rd Grade= 113
4th Grade= 117
5th Grade= 138

It's a close race after week one. First Grade is in the lead by a small margin. Here's a hint in how to win the game of Skittles. 1) Bring a friend. 2) Perfect attendance points will total up fast so come for 2 more weeks.

Help your team win the much anticipated Skittles Pizza Party.

See You Sunday!!!!!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008


The next Faith Club will be on Saturday, April 26 from 9-11:30 am in THE NEIGHBORHOOD. Please sign up and let me know if your child will be attending.

To sign up you can email or let someone at the registration desk know this Sunday morning.

The Faith Club is our new Christians class for kids. We will talk about salvation, baptism, why attend church and the Lord's Supper.

Lock IN this FRIDAY NIGHT 6-10 PM

Remember the Lock-IN is this Friday night from 6-10 pm. Sign up no later than Wednesday.

We will eat pizza, play games and watch a movie. It will be a blast.

You can sign up by emailling

SKITTLES Starts this Sunday, April 20

Make sure your child is here this week so he/she can help their class earn SKITTLES.

Here's the breakdown of how to earn SKITTLES:

2 for Attending
5 for Bringing their Bible
10 for Brining a friend
20 for Perfect Attendance

Skittles will be placed in a jug for the appropriate grade. The Skittles will be counted at the end of the three weeks and the winning team will earn a Skittles Pizza Party!

See you Sunday Morning and I will be ready to count those Skittles!


Attention All Parents:

There is a Kidz Camp Meeting this Sunday night (APRIL 20) at 5:30 in room 224 (the large area in the children's ministry area). Please make sure to attend this meeting. We will pass out what to bring (what not to bring), talk about basic guidelines, give a synopsis of Bible teaching for the week and have a time of Q & A.

See you this Sunday night at 5:30!

Kidz Camp is 8 Weeks Away!!!!

Can you believe it? There are only eight weeks until camp. Now is the time to sign up. Remember your deposit of $75 is due with registration and total amount is due by May 20. The cost goes up after May 20 so sign up today.

To sign up all you have to do is pick up a bright green Events Envelope from the registration desk. And it is okay to bring friends but they need to follow the same registration steps.

Prepare for camp as we JOURNEY BELOW THE EARTH!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Let's Play SKITTLES!!!!!

All right we are about to begin our game of SKITTLES on Sunday, April 20. We will play on Sunday, April 20, April 27 & May 4. The rules are simple and the prize will be unbelievable.

Each grade will compete against the other grades. Kids earn Skittles for their team's jar:

For attending
For bringing a Bible
For bringing a friend
For Perfect Attendance over 3 weeks

Each grade will get to eat the Skittles they have earned on May 11 and the winning class will win a SKITTLE Pizza Party!

Let's earn the Skittles and fill up the jars. SKITTLES, SKITTLES & MORE SKITTLES!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Already 30

We already have 30 kids signed up for Kidz Camp. Please sign up now if you are interested in camp. Deposits are due with sign up so please act quickly. If you have questions let me know at

There is a Parent Meeting on April 20 at 5:30 in room 224 (the large room in the children's area). If you would like to be a sponsor please fill out a Volunteer Application with the Kidz Camp logo on top. I need that information so we can make plans.

It is also okay for you to bring friends but please sign them up ASAP.

It's going to be fun so plan now to attend!


Please make sure you sign your child up for the Spring Lock-In on April 18 from 6-10 pm. It will be alot of fun. Kids will be divided up by ages: Kindergarten & 1st Grade, 2nd & 3rd Grade and 4th & 5th Grade as they rotate through the evening. We will eat pizza, play outside and play in the gym. We will also watch a movie and eat snacks. More information on the movie that will be shown will come the week of the lock in.

But please make sure and sign your child up so that we can plan for the right about of food and drinks.

We also need adults and teenagers to help with the lock in. If you are interested please let me know at


Faith Club April 26

The next FAITH CLUB will be on Saturday, April 26 from 9 am to 11:30 pm. FAITH CLUB is the new Christian's class for children. If your child has asked Jesus in their heart or has been asking questions for an extended period of time please sign them up to attend. Children must complete Faith Club before they can be baptized. Some children have taken some of the sessions but have not completed the entire class, please send them on this day so that they can complete the entire class. Sign up at the Children’s Ministry Registration Counter or by email at